Varicose Veins: Risk Factors and Diagnosis

Varicose veins are an issue that many people struggle with. This medical issue is one that causes bulging, discoloration and pain in the veins of the body, usually the leg region. Anyone can suffer from varicose veins as they happen for a number of reasons and sometimes for no reason at all. Many wonder if they meet any of the risk factors and may have to have this treated in the future. There are many risk factors involved that can determine if you are a candidate to have varicose veins or what you can do to prevent this issue. Below are a few risk factors involved and how to get a diagnosis.

What are the risk factors?

A risk factor is considered as something that can raise your chance of having a condition or disease. There are many risk factors to varicose veins which can lead to an eventual diagnosis. Below are risk factors that have been linked to varicose vein issues:


The female population has long suffered from varicose veins and is more likely to suffer from this condition than the male populous.


If you have cases of varicose veins in your family, then you are most likely going to have issues of your own. Take a look at your family history, such as your parents or grandparents, to see if they had any trouble with veining or if they were diagnosed with this condition.

Weight issues

If you are overweight or considered obese, you are more likely at risk for varicose veins. To avoid potential issues, it is best to exercise regularly and eat healthy, which is generally good for overall health.


Age is also a determining factor. The older you are, the more chance you have of developing varicose veins. You can combine factors above with this one or you can simply consider that the body begins to work improperly which can lead to this condition.


Another risk factor is the workplace. If you work in a position that requires you to stand for a lengthy period of time, then you are more at risk. It is important to take breaks off of your feet so that you do not put unwanted pressure on your legs.


A very common source of varicose veining is with pregnancy. Pregnancy can be the most risky time to be subject to this condition. If you are pregnant, you have more blood in your body. This puts more pressure on your circulatory system. With a change of hormone levels as well as your hormone balance, you can see a relaxing of the walls of blood vessels which can create the veining problems.

Also as your pregnancy progresses, the uterus grows. With this growth comes extended pressure on the veins of the pelvic area. This can cause varicose veins, which can go away once the pregnancy is completed. However sometimes they do not and must be removed or lived with.


To be diagnosed with varicose veins, one must undergo a physical examination. Usually this is strictly visual and will need to be conducted by a qualified doctor. You will be asked to stand and the area will be examined for swelling. You will be asked numerous questions and you may have tests ordered.

One such test is the Doppler which is an ultrasound of the area to assess the blood flow of the veins. The physician will be checking to see if the veins are working as they should.

The other test available is the Color duplex ultrasound. With this scan, you will see color images that will attest to the structure of the veins. This will help the physician to see if any abnormalities exist.

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