How to Diagnose Men’s Sexual Health Problems?

Men’s sexual health problem is also referred as sexual dysfunction, wherein there is a problem during any of the phases of the sexual response cycle, thus depriving an individual or a couple from experiencing sexual satisfaction. There are four phases of the sexual response cycle and they are:

  • Excitement,
  • Plateau,
  • Orgasm ,
  • Resolution.

Here is a closer look on the various reasons, symptoms and tests available to diagnose Sexual Health Problems in men.

Reason behind Sexual Health Problems:

The reasons for sexual dysfunction are many and fall under two main categories namely physical or psychological causes.

Firstly the Physical Causes: There is an array of physical and medical conditions responsible for creating a problem with the sexual functioning. Diabetes, neurological disorders, heart and vascular disease, hormonal imbalance and chronic diseases such as liver failure, kidney failure or drug and alcohol abuse; are the conditions that can be included in this. They may even be side effects of certain medicines along with these conditions. The medicines may include antidepressants, medicines for chronic conditions etc. affecting the sexual desire and function of most men.

Then enters Psychological Causes: Whenever the word psychological condition occurs, the first thing that strikes our mind is stress and anxiety which may be due to marital relationship problem, immense concern about sexual performance, guilty feeling, depression or past sexual trauma effect.

Examining the Symptoms:

Sometimes there may be a need to examine the symptoms of male sexual health problems which may be any or a combination of the following:

  • No sexual desire, no sexual fantasies and no interest in any sexual contact.
  • Difficulty in maintaining and having erection.
  • Problematic erection.
  • Attaining orgasm after a long and lengthy stimulation period.
  • Achievement of orgasm during masturbation and oral sex only.
  • Trouble in controlling orgasm and ejaculation timing, thus having an earlier appearance in sexual contact which leaves the other partner discontented.
  • Improper ejaculation.
  • Stubborn erection in no link with sexual desire.
  • Sometimes Bloody ejaculation.

Examining the medical history:

There might be a need by the doctor to perform examinations for checking the medical history of an individual, as this may also be one of the causes affecting sexual health badly. It is necessary to mention any condition prevailing in an individual’s history such as diabetes etc.

What are the tests available to diagnose Sexual Health Problems?

Evaluation of the cause and extent of sexual problems can be done with the help of various tests which may include:

  1. Blood tests: Performed with the aim of evaluating hormone levels and identification of any other possible medical problem.
  2. Vascular Assessment: Such kind of test involves evaluation of blood flow to the penis, or any blockage in the blood vessel, supplying blood to the penis.
  3. Sensory Testing: This kind of test is particularly helpful in the evaluation of the effects of diabetic neuropathy or sensory testing measures or even the strength of nerve impulses in a particular area of the body.
  4. Noctural penile tumescence and rigidity testing: A test used to monitor naturally occurring erections during sleep. Determination of a man’s erectile problems due to physical or psychological causes is done easily with the help of this test.


According to the research’s, sexual dysfunction is a common issue. 1 in 10 men experiences this issue. On the other hand 5 in 10 women report some degree of difficulty. But the topic of sexual dysfunction still lacks discussion as most men and women are hesitant to discuss on this. Many of the cases of sexual dysfunction are treatable, which makes it is necessary to share your concerns with your partner and your doctor.

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